
Ever wonder why you do the things you do? Have you noticed people that seem to have it all, and it doesn’t seem like they work as hard as you or, for that matter, are as smart as you? This all comes down to your paradigm. The paradigm in your subconscious mind controls your habits, which control your behavior and, ultimately, your results.

Our Story

We have been developing our story for over 24 years, but it wasn’t until recently that we found an avenue that we believe will be our story for the next 24-plus years. As a young couple, we were determined to improve our situation and move up the income ladder because neither of us came from money. So we did many things to try to increase the money we made and improve our life.

We both had jobs and decided to try to make money in real estate. We bought our first house together, and we thought it was a huge investment at the time. We lived in it and remodeled it. This went on for the first ten or so years of our marriage. We would buy a house, live in it, remodel, sell and move to another house. While also building a career and family.

We read books on success, personal development, and health during this time. We both had a great love for working out and eating healthy. Eating healthy was my wife’s thing, but she rubbed off on me. A couple of books, audio tapes, and videos made a difference in our lives and helped us improve our situation. These were “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” “Think and Grow Rich,” “Awaken the Giant Within,” and the “Secret.” This is not an exhaustive list but some more impactful information.

The study and work we put in changed our lives. Looking back from buying our first house that is just under 900 square feet and having no money to build a significant net worth proves that this type of information works.

This success was great, but we both felt we had another level in us and didn’t know how to get there. As a business owner, husband, wife, father, and mother of four children, we were both working a lot, and time was a valuable commodity, and we did not know how to do more.

Finding a Solution

This is where Bob Proctor came into our lives. I had been looking for something else to do with our business to leverage our time. I felt like there had to be something out there that we could do where we didn’t have to be involved and earn more money. I ran down this rabbit hole for several years, and I would start something only to burn out trying to get it running and keep up with my current business and personal life. This also stressed our family life, and things were not humming like we wanted them to. It was during this time my wife started watching videos by Bob Proctor. She liked what she was watching and asked me to check it out. So we started watching and listening to what he said about changing paradigms. This hit home for both of us; this is what we needed. So we signed up for some coaching and have been loving this information every since.

Helping Others do the Same

Once we started learning about how you must change your paradigm before you can change your results, we knew we wanted to help others do the same thing. So we signed up for the Proctor Gallagher Institute consultant training. This started our path down the road to helping people change their lives. This information is so powerful that you can change your income, relationships, and more. We are so excited that you are considering us to help you achieve your next huge goal.